7 TIPS for finding a teaching job in RECORD TIME When it comes to education, finding a teaching job may be somewhat tiring and even frustrating. There is a wide variety of candidates and maybe fewer vacancies. For this reason, the first you should do is try...... 0 Comentarios
¿What topics will they ask me about in the teacher interview? A teacher interview tends to be demanding. The schools must ensure that their teachers can meet their needs and are adequate for the job. Thus, you must face a wide range of competition and a series...... 0 Comentarios
Teacher cover letter without experience. Should I state it? The teaching cover letter is a vital element when applying for a job. But what happens if you don’t have any experience? Should you include it in the letter? In today’s blog, we want to solve these queries...... 0 Comentarios
Don’t know which skills to include in your teacher resume? Many qualities make teachers stand out from other professions. Apart from having multiple degrees, these can define you and should be in your teaching resume. Plus, they will also help you to enhance your work in the...... 0 Comentarios
LOOKING FOR TEACHING JOBS IN DIFFICULT TIMES, WHERE DO I START? Looking for a teaching job can seem like a daunting task. Why do some people have the chance to find a teaching job faster than others? SEARCH FOR TEACHING JOBS IN DIFFICULT TIMES, WHERE DO...... 0 Comentarios
HOW CAN I SEND MY CV TO A SCHOOL? EMAIL, POSTAL MAIL, WEB FORMS. If you’re looking for a teaching job for the first time, you may not know what options you have for sending your CV to schools. Well, there are different ways of doing it....... 0 Comentarios