Cómo redactar una carta de presentación de profesores en inglés


Cómo redactar una carta de presentación de profesores en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am an English teacher and I would like to present my curriculum in case any teaching vacancies come up for the next academic year.

As you can see from my CV, I have been teaching for about five years now, mostly EFL but also some German and Spanish. I have performed my professional activity in different contexts (university courses, in-company courses and private language schools), with students of all ages and with different learning purposes. I would like to expand on this last point by adding that, having taught in-company courses, Cambridge exam preparation courses and the English courses at FPCEE Blanquerna, which are generally oriented to whatever degree the students are doing, I am used to adjusting language courses to the learners’ professional or academic specific needs.

In addition to that, I can further back up my language teaching skills with my education and research, both of them completely oriented to second language teaching and learning (both MA degrees, doctoral studies and other courses). More specifically, I am familiar with techniques for internal differentiation and pedagogical use of ICT, and my research interests are L2 communication strategies, learning strategies and cognitive factors involved second language acquisition.

Please find my CV attached and do not hesitate to ask me for any further information you may need. You can also contact Maria González Davies or Josep Monsech, the coordinator of the English Department at FPCEE Blanquerna, for references if you need them.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Cómo redactar una carta de presentación de profesores en inglés.