Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores en inglés


Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores en inglés

To Whom it may concern:

I wish to apply for the English kindergarten position at your school. I have attached my resume, which outlines my educational background and teaching experience. I have also included a letter of recommendation from my most recent principal.  As you will see, for the last three years I have been teaching Spanish and English to kindergarten and first grade children in a dual language Catholic school in Seattle, WA. While I have loved my experience at Holy Family Bilingual School and have gained so much.

The attributes of a successful Catholic school include a clear purpose and mission, dedicated and skilled teachers, strong leadership, academic excellence, continuous improvement, and a faith-filled community committed to service.  I believe that this describes. I think that I possess the qualifications and personal qualities to fit in well at your school and to make a contribution.

I enjoy teaching young children and helping them to grow and succeed.   I work to provide a nurturing and positive classroom environment where children feel cared about and safe. I differentiate instruction so that every child makes progress.  My previous teaching experiences have deepened my understanding of content standards. Teaching for three years in an American school has helped me to improve my English.  Other gifts I desire to bring to your school are a strong work ethic, a commitment to my own spiritual growth and to my students’ spiritual growth, creativity, enthusiasm, and a willingness to continue growing as a teacher.  I work best in collaboration with other teachers and enjoy being part of a team.

Thank you for your consideration.


Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores en inglés.