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Carta de presentación laboral para colegios

Estimados señores,

El motivo de la presente carta es ofrecerles mi disposición a incorporarme a su plantilla en calidad de docente.

Soy licenciado en traducción e interpretación y he cursado los siguientes idiomas: inglés, como primera lengua, alemán e italiano, como segundas.

Por otra parte, poseo el Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP), además de diversos cursos relacionados con la actividad docente.

Finalmente, les remito mi CV para que puedan analizar con más detenimiento mi formación académica y profesional.

Sin otro particular, les saluda atentamente:

Carta de presentación laboral para colegios.


Cómo redactar una carta de presentación de profesores en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am an English teacher and I would like to present my curriculum in case any teaching vacancies come up for the next academic year.

As you can see from my CV, I have been teaching for about five years now, mostly EFL but also some German and Spanish. I have performed my professional activity in different contexts (university courses, in-company courses and private language schools), with students of all ages and with different learning purposes. I would like to expand on this last point by adding that, having taught in-company courses, Cambridge exam preparation courses and the English courses at FPCEE Blanquerna, which are generally oriented to whatever degree the students are doing, I am used to adjusting language courses to the learners’ professional or academic specific needs.

In addition to that, I can further back up my language teaching skills with my education and research, both of them completely oriented to second language teaching and learning (both MA degrees, doctoral studies and other courses). More specifically, I am familiar with techniques for internal differentiation and pedagogical use of ICT, and my research interests are L2 communication strategies, learning strategies and cognitive factors involved second language acquisition.

Please find my CV attached and do not hesitate to ask me for any further information you may need. You can also contact Maria González Davies or Josep Monsech, the coordinator of the English Department at FPCEE Blanquerna, for references if you need them.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Cómo redactar una carta de presentación de profesores en inglés.


Ejemplo de carta de presentación de enseñanza

To Whom It May Concern:

First, this resume is not in response to any specific job opening. It is to plan an exploratory interview with your school director in order for me to learn more about your centre.

I am writing to offer my services as a Bilingual Secondary School Teacher specializing in Chemistry and Physics in either spanish or english. I enclose a curriculum vitae and a cover letter.

I would like to thank you in advance for considering the possibility of meeting in an exploratory interview for me to learn more about your centre and to explain any further details you may like to know about my curriculum vitae.

Yours faithfully,

Ejemplo de carta de presentación de enseñanza.


Cómo hacer una carta de presentación para profesores en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

“The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.” (Aristotle)

Learning a foreign language can be tough. It requires hard work, determination and patience. As a learner of several languages, I understand the struggles that students face when it comes to attaining a level of proficiency. I consider myself very fortunate to have been born in a country where English is the mother tongue. As a result, there was never much pressure on me to excel at language studies for the sake of career prospects. Nevertheless, at school I always found languages the most interesting subjects. This is perhaps one of the main reasons I decided to dedicate my life to teaching English as a foreign language.

I have been teaching English for 10 years now. I started my career in Japan in 2004 and before that placement I’d had very little classroom experience. However, by the end of my time there I had made up my mind to pursue this path as a way to combine the two things I love most in life: travelling and languages.

As the world’s de facto lingua franca, there are now more opportunities than ever before to teach English overseas. All you need in many cases is to be a native speaker and a passport. But, as everyone knows, there are teachers and there are “teachers”. Some individuals lack any real commitment to the profession and do not demonstrate any passion to teach. Others, including myself, are more dedicated to their work and really want to see results.

I have lived and taught English in three countries with completely distinct cultures and I now I have decided to “come home” to Madrid. Spain has been a part of my life ever since my Erasmus year in 1999. So why return now? Well, my time in Hong Kong was never supposed to be forever. After getting married, I decided I’d prefer to raise a family in the EU rather than China. Spain has always been like a second home to me so, despite the economic problems facing the country, my wife and I chose to settle in the country I know and love.

What teaching quality makes me stand out from the crowd? As my mother used to always say, my greatest strength is my unwavering enthusiasm. I am very enthusiastic about languages. I am also enthusiastic learning about the world around me. And at school, I am enthusiastic about helping adolescents realise their full potential, both inside and outside the classroom.

Today, English has become the global voice of the planet. Therefore, in my lessons I try to raise students’ awareness of world issues, such as the environment, multiculturalism and current affairs. As an instructor, I feel it is my obligation to enhance not only students’ linguistic skills but also their knowledge of Anglophone culture. Since English speakers are spread throughout the world and their language is widely accepted as the primary means of international communication and commerce, it seems only fitting to educate students about global topics. After all, today’s teenagers will be tomorrow’s leaders.

In conclusion, it’s clear from my previous work experience, solid references and relevant qualifications that I would be an asset to your teaching staff. I have no doubt that I will be able to settle in and readapt to la vida madrileña quickly. If nothing else, my résumé shows that I am adept at taking on new challenges and overcoming language barriers. To paraphrase Aristotle, education can sometimes seem like a bitter struggle but, given the right conditions, we can reap the sweet fruit of our labour in the end.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to give you further details of my career to date in the context of an interview.

Yours faithfully,

Cómo hacer una carta de presentación para profesores en inglés.



Modelo de carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept this letter and my enclosed CV in application for teacher positions available in your school.

I am confident that I have the required skills and experience to successfully fill the role of teacher in your school.  I believe that my greatest teaching strength is my ability to understand each students unique requirements and assisting them to achieve as much as they can.

Currently, I am working on a part time basis at a Primary school in La Llagosta while I finish my degree in Primary Education at the University of Barcelona. There I carry out an English workshop based on project work (5th and 6th grade), corners (3rd and 4th) and a CLIL approach (1st and 2nd grade). I teach exclusively in English.

Before that, I worked for four years as Primary teacher of English in Highlands School Barcelona. This experience gave me sound training in project work, corners methodology and CLIL approach. Besides, I prepared my students for Cambridge exams (Starters, Movers and KET) as well. The language of instruction was English.

I trust that you will positively consider my application and am available on the above numbers if you require any further information or to arrange an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Modelo de carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés.


Modelo de carta de presentación de enseñanza

Estimado/a Señor/a,

Me permito enviarle mi currículum por si pudiera ser de su interés cuando se produzca alguna vacante docente en su centro.

Mi nombre es Natalia Pérez, poseo la Licenciatura en Física y el Máster en Formación del Profesorado. He trabajado como profesora de química, física, matemáticas e inglés.

Soy una persona empática, disciplinada, solidaria y responsable, con una personalidad reflexiva y equilibrada para trabajar con otros profesores y por supuesto, con los alumnos ya que, en esencia, me encanta dar clase.

Me considero entusiasta de lo que hago y con muchas ganas de seguir poniendo en marcha todos mis conocimientos y experiencias al servicio del campo de la educación. Me gusta aprender nuevas formas de impartir la docencia. Empatizo bien con los alumnos, procurando ser un apoyo y alguien en quien confiar además de ser su profesor.

Le agradezco de antemano su atención y me pongo a su disposición para que, si lo estima oportuno, me conozcan a través de una entrevista personal.

Reciba hasta entonces un cordial saludo.


Modelo de carta de presentación de enseñanza.