Descripción objetivos

Carta de presentación de compañías en inglés

Chief of the Department of Human Resources,

I am a mechanical engineer, graduated from the University of Madrid, Spain. My experience is related to manufacturing processes inside a large company specialized in the design, manufacture, assembly and mechanization of parts for the aeronautic sector.

I am very knowledgeable in English so I wouldn´t have difficulties to adapt to the workforce of your company. Considering the current situation in Spain I would also add that I don’t have any problem to live in a different country, which in fact is what I’m looking for. I think my profile fits the needs of your company. Please find attached my resume and feel free to contact me upon any questions or doubts. I shall be looking forward for your reply.

Very best regards.

Carta de presentación de compañías en inglés.


Cómo hacer una carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés

My name is Paul Lang and I am applying for the Teacher of English, History, or Head of Department/Key Stage. I am a teacher with 16 years classroom experience. I have GCSE, A-Level, IGCSE, MYP and IBDP experience and am familiar with all the exams and their formats. I have my Qualified Teacher Status issued from the UK. I have a Spanish partner and can speak some Spanish beyond the rudimentary level. Before my current position here in Albania, I taught CIE IGCSE and A-Level English Language and English Literature with excellent results. Because of this experience, I feel as though I would be an excellent fit for your school.

At The International School of Madrid, I was the Second in Department for English. During this time, we had some of the best results in school history. We continually helped students achieve passing grades in both English Language and English Literature when these students struggled to pass any of their other courses. I would like to think it was all me, but I know that the atmosphere of the British School System and our English department team worked hard each and every year in order to help prepare the students to achieve their potential. Our planning was strong, we reviewed our curriculum regularly, and we pushed ourselves as a team in order to help each student experience success.

I also organised theatre trips to London and helped organise events at the school. I acted as an advisor to students who considered going to North America for university. I provided tutoring sessions for struggling students and organised exam help classes during school vacations. I was always amenable to the needs of both the school and the students.

I am currently the Middle School Program Coordinator here in Albania. It is my job to ensure that all departments are working together to align their curricula so that it meets the needs of the students and the standards of our curriculum provider. I also act as a mentor for younger teachers, coordinate pastoral care for students, and write school policy. I also meet with parents when issues occur in the high school. Because of this, and because of my previous experience in British schools, I believe that I would make an excellent candidate for Head of Department.

Cómo hacer una carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés.


Modelo de carta de presentación para colegios en inglés

Dear to whom it may concern,

I am a passionate fully trained and highly qualified Physics and Mathematics Teacher who believes the purpose of my career is to have an impact on the critical thinking of young people. Not only do I have a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, but also completed the official Teaching Certificate (C. A. P.), including practical experience as a secondary-school teacher. Furthermore, for the last two years I have worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Regensburg (Germany), where I held a teaching and research orientated position.

Through my educational experience, I have come to the profound conclusion that teaching is not only a challenge for which I can draw on my skills and experience, but also a commitment that I am eager to embrace. The reason for this is that my goal every day is to have a positive impact on young people. Therefore, I am highly motivated to apply for the position of Teacher in your School and I believe that I can perform as an excellent educator, hoping to contribute as much as possible to help in the positive development and growth of the School.

It is clear to me that as a teacher, I have to be constantly learning in order to continuously improve my teaching skills, and searching for the optimal techniques, strategies and materials that best facilitate the students’ learning. At the same time, I wish to foster a stimulating and healthy atmosphere in the classroom, to promote learning.

One of the most important tasks as a scientist was being able to communicate in a clear and accurate way academic results, both in writing and oral presentations. Through this experience I have developed excellent communication skills which contribute to my ability to be an exceptional teacher.

I was raised in an native English environment, since I studied elementary school in Sydney, Australia. English is also the standard language among the scientific community, meaning scientific publications and conference presentations are all written and given, respectively, in English. Furthermore, the courses and seminars I gave at the University were all in English. Therefore, I am confident that I have a virtually native English level that allows me to effectively teach and communicate. Additionally, while living in Regensburg I have intensively studied German and have thus acquired a good understanding level of the language.

Finally, thanks to my experience working within international groups in different Universities, I truly enjoy and am stimulated by working in teams with people from all around the world. Furthermore, I believe that a good collaboration among colleagues in an wholesome and communicative environment, is pivotal for developing a successful educational program. I look forward to being a part of such an environment at  your School.

Sincerely yours,

Modelo de carta de presentación para colegios en inglés.


Carta de presentación laboral para colegios

Estimados Señores/as,

Soy una profesora de música implicada y entusiasmada con el aprendizaje práctico de los estudiantes, con motivación para preparar a los alumnos para el futuro mediante el uso de las nuevas tecnologías.

Soy una persona apasionada por la música y comprometida con mantener actualizados mis conocimientos. Expreso los contenidos de una forma clara, convincente y sencilla.

Considero que los alumnos deberían jugar un papel activo en sus propios procesos de aprendizaje, e intento promover en ellos el trabajo en equipo. Muy receptiva ante las necesidades de desarrollo de los estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato.


Carta de presentación laboral para colegios.


Ejemplos de cartas de presentación de enseñanza

Estimados compañeros y compañeras;

Soy diplomada en magisterio de Educación Infantil, con experiencia de trabajo con niños y con un gran interés por trabajar con ustedes. Tengo un largo camino de aprendizaje y estoy convencida del impacto positivo que mi candidatura puede aportar a su centro educativo.

Mi objetivo como docente es fomentar un ambiente positivo que facilite el aprendizaje de todos los estudiantes, y considero que mi experiencia y conocimientos están en la línea del perfil que demandan para su colegio. Mi experiencia en el día a día ha enriquecido mi repertorio de habilidades, entre ellas la excelencia en la comunicación y una gran capacidad para la motivación. Destacaría mi destreza en las siguientes áreas:

  • El desarrollo de recursos didácticos creativos para dar respuesta a las necesidades de estudiantes diversos.
  • La coordinación con tutorías después de las clases para apoyar a los estudiantes fuera del aula.
  • Gestionar eficazmente las herramientas didácticas para optimizar el aprendizaje.

Estoy muy interesada en poder trabajar con ustedes para la mejora de los resultados académicos, por lo que me encantaría tener la oportunidad de contribuir a alcanzar los objetivos de su institución. Pueden contactar conmigo para ampliar cualquier información adicional que consideren necesaria, así como para concertar una entrevista.

Agradeciendo su atención, y en espera de su grata respuesta, les saluda atentamente;

Ejemplos de cartas de presentación de enseñanza.


Cómo redactar una carta de presentación para colegios

Estimado/a Sr./Sra,

El motivo de la presente es presentarme y solicitarle una oportunidad de trabajo. Por este medio le envío mi currículum vitae para que sea tomado en cuenta en sus vacantes disponibles.

Me considero una persona muy emprendedora, trabajadora y de retos, cuento con la experiencia necesaria en perfiles de profesora, formadora de inglés.

Mi experiencia como profesora es amplia: por un lado, la enseñanza de lengua Inglesa  y literatura a alumnos españoles y, por otro, a alumnos extranjeros fuera de España.

Desde joven he demostrado mucha responsabilidad y lealtad a mi trabajo. Mi aspiración y deseo más grande es poder desarrollarme en una escuela de calidad como la suya, donde pueda crecer profesionalmente y personalmente.

Quedo a su consideración, gracias por su atención y apoyo.

Sin más por el momento, esperando su respuesta.

Saludos y muchas gracias.

Cómo redactar una carta de presentación para colegios.