Con experiencia docente

Carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to apply for the position of teacher of English and/or French.

During my academic studies of Translation and Interpreting of English and French, I took part in the Erasmus programme at University of Birmingham. I would like to point out that this experience provided me with a much broader knowledge of the English culture and language. Besides, I received the teaching certificate in English and a course on the Introduction to the Methodology of Spanish as a Foreign Language in order to get to know more pedagogic tools which could help me to deliver better lessons as well as to gain valuable classroom experience.

As my curriculum vitae shows, my professional experience in the education world includes one year as an English and French teacher in Mataró and three years in Barcelona. These experiences have helped me to further develop and apply my skills when teaching a foreign language to children, teenagers and adults.

The levels that I have taught range from A1 to B2 in English, A1 to B1 in French, A1 to C2 in Spanish and Catalan, the two latter being my mother tongues, as well as the official Cambridge exam preparation courses (FCE). My experience includes tutoring with parents, organising engaging English activities and the continuous assessment of the students.

Furthermore, I work effectively within a team and I am always willing to learn in order to develop new skills. I am absolutely passionate about languages and keenly interested to help students in the process of learning them.

With my skills, experience and love for language education, I believe I would be an ideal fit for your language school or private school. I thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés.


Carta de presentación para profesores en inglés

Dear Sir/Madam,

It’s a pleasure for me to send you my CV since I’m convinced that I meet the conditions of merits and skills to fill the position as an English teacher.

I can assure you that I have the ability to successfully manage with the job, due to my experience at schools (ESO/Bachillerato) , my degree in Translation and Interpreting and my Master in Teachers of Compulsory & Non-Compulsory Secondary Education, Professional Training & Language Teaching which have provided me with an excellent knowledge background for the language job market. The said experience includes a wide range of fields such as: methodology based on the European Language Portfolio (ELP), new technologies applied to language teaching, communicative approach in the English class, diversity management, working with interdisciplinarity contents and human values with the students as well as motivation in the foreign language learning process, group and autonomous work, working with the 8 basic competences and the elaboration of syllabuses and teaching units.

Moreover, I have broad experience in teaching B1 to C2 levels (CEFRL) as well as in preparing students for Cambridge exams, together with TOEFL, EOI (Escuela

Oficial de Idiomas) and Trinity GESE.

I’m able to tackle any challenge with initiative and eagerness in order to contribute to the company’s progress.

I’m a talented person, with leadership skills as well as effective in the development of my tasks.

One of my strong qualities is my ability to bring fresh ideas and to work in groups inspiring confidence and helping others.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon

Yours sincerely,

Carta de presentación para profesores en inglés.


Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores en inglés

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is María Soler and I am a well-communicated person and have a real flair at motivating my students due to my great deal of experience within the sector of teaching. I show great enthusiasm in new project and challenges supported by my energy.

Enclosed my C.V for your evaluation. I am looking for a part time teaching job around  my area. I am self employed and I am paying my own social securiy.

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Kind regards from Gata de Gorgos (Alicante).

Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores en inglés.


Carta de presentación ejemplo enseñanza en inglés

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to enquire about the possibility of becoming a Primary School Teacher, as either a PE Teacher at your school, full-time.

My career focus is to continue gaining experience in the education field. I have enclosed a CV outlining my qualifications and two Reference Letters.

I have a Bachelor Degree Specialising in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, a Primary School Teacher’s Degree Specialising in Physical Education, a Teacher Training Certificate (CAP) and the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). I also have the FCE and the Advanced Level in English B2 (EOI).

I have gained nine years experience in the education field, three of them working as a Primary School Teacher and as a Physical Education Teacher (age range 3-11), having taught all subjects. I have been a Year 5 and 6 Teacher, in addition teaching SEN students. Currently I am teaching PE in a Primary School in London, where I have been working for one year and a half.

All my work experience within or outside of the classroom has been positive for me, but my passion and ultimate wish is to work as a teacher.

As a teacher, I feel my skills are my ability to listen to my pupils, treating them as individuals, motivating and encouraging team work, an aspect which the parents of my previous students have really appreciated. I consider myself strict regarding the students compliance to the class and rules, although I am also very attentive, patient and fair.

I would appreciate the opportunity to have an interview with you, or one of your colleagues regarding my employment opportunities at your school. I will be available to start working on the next course (September 2015).

If you wish to contact me, I may be reached at e-mail

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking to you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Carta de presentación ejemplo enseñanza en inglés.


Carta de presentación laboral para colegios en inglés

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in working as English teacher for your high school. I am an EFL language teacher with more than 3 years’ experience to offer you. I enclose my resume as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment with your high school.

My most recent experience is teaching English in a public high school in San Sebastian de los Reyes (I.E.S. Juan de Mairena). I am responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student coursebook.

As English teacher with your high school, I would bring a focus on quality and creativity to your syllabus design. I firmly believe that every child is entitled to an enriching education, respect, and professionalism. My goal is to motivate students in asserting their inner strengths, abilities and the activities that truly inspire them. I aim to provide a stimulating learning environment that fosters confidence and encourages children to reach their full potential. I take the responsibilities of an educator very seriously, and will work hard to develop mutual trust and respect from parents and the administration.

Along with my skills, I will bring innovative and positive energy to the school, accompanied by a desire and willingness to work with others to achieve a common goal. In my previous positions, I have demonstrated excellent time management, prioritization, multi-tasking and project coordination skills, which have played a major role in my advancement to this point. With an unmatched combination of enthusiasm, commitment and drive, I am confident that I will quickly become a valuable member of your team.

I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you, and can be reached at my phone or via email listed above. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Carta de presentación laboral para colegios en inglés.


Carta de presentación de profesores en euskera

Zuzendari jaun-andre agurgarria:

Zuengana zuzentzen naiz, nire zerbitzuak eskaintzeko asmoz. Ikasketak bukatu berri eta gogo biziz sei hilabetetan lanean jardun duen gaztea naiz. Seriotasunez eta profesional bezala lan egiteko gaitasunak ditudalakoan nago. Pazientziaz hornitutako mutila naiz, entzuten eta ikasteko beti prest dagoena.

Irakasle bezala, gure lanarekin lotutako formakuntza garrantzitsua dela ustean nago baina, nahiz eta ikasteko beti prest egon, momentu honetan irakasleen lanak egiten jarraitzea eta gela baten barruan egotea dut helburutzat. Hori dela eta, zuregana hurbiltzen naiz, heziketa egoera desberdinetan erabili beharko ziren estrategiak eta errekurtsoak eta erabaki egokienak hartuz, nire gain sei hilabeteko esperientzia eta lanbide honetan jarraitzeko prest izanik.

Ikasleekin elkarrekintzan aritzeko trebetasuna daukat eta haiengan ikasketa nahia pizteko garrantziaren jakintzapean nago. Horrez gain, egitekoarekin eta erantzukizunekin arduratsua naiz; eta taldean lan egiteko trebetasuna daukat.

Horretarako, honekin batera Curriculum-a zehaztasunez eransten dut, zuen interesekoa izatekotan.

Eskertuko nizueke eskaera hau kontutan izango bazenute eta aproposa iruditzen zaizun proba edo elkarrizketaren bat elkar izatea.

Agur bero bat,

Carta de presentación de profesores en euskera.