Con experiencia docente

Carta de presentación de profesores en inglés

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am seeking a full -time job as an English Language teacher. I have a broad background in teaching and all the necessary qualifications for any positions you need to fill. Along with a profound knowledge of the English Language I have the ability to teach it in a lively and motivating way to students of all ages. I am quite flexible and open to suggestions to enhance methods and fluent communication.

I tailor activities to maintain the interest of students, and I have the ability to dramatize English stories effectively and creativeness in the teaching process.  I believe in a communicative process, integrating all the skills in all areas of knowledge.

I strive for continued excellence as you can see in my CV.

May I have a personal interview at your convenience?

Thanks for your consideration

Carta de presentación de profesores en inglés.


Cómo hacer una carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés

My name is Paul Lang and I am applying for the Teacher of English, History, or Head of Department/Key Stage. I am a teacher with 16 years classroom experience. I have GCSE, A-Level, IGCSE, MYP and IBDP experience and am familiar with all the exams and their formats. I have my Qualified Teacher Status issued from the UK. I have a Spanish partner and can speak some Spanish beyond the rudimentary level. Before my current position here in Albania, I taught CIE IGCSE and A-Level English Language and English Literature with excellent results. Because of this experience, I feel as though I would be an excellent fit for your school.

At The International School of Madrid, I was the Second in Department for English. During this time, we had some of the best results in school history. We continually helped students achieve passing grades in both English Language and English Literature when these students struggled to pass any of their other courses. I would like to think it was all me, but I know that the atmosphere of the British School System and our English department team worked hard each and every year in order to help prepare the students to achieve their potential. Our planning was strong, we reviewed our curriculum regularly, and we pushed ourselves as a team in order to help each student experience success.

I also organised theatre trips to London and helped organise events at the school. I acted as an advisor to students who considered going to North America for university. I provided tutoring sessions for struggling students and organised exam help classes during school vacations. I was always amenable to the needs of both the school and the students.

I am currently the Middle School Program Coordinator here in Albania. It is my job to ensure that all departments are working together to align their curricula so that it meets the needs of the students and the standards of our curriculum provider. I also act as a mentor for younger teachers, coordinate pastoral care for students, and write school policy. I also meet with parents when issues occur in the high school. Because of this, and because of my previous experience in British schools, I believe that I would make an excellent candidate for Head of Department.

Cómo hacer una carta de presentación de enseñanza en inglés.


Modelo de carta de presentación de profesores en inglés

Ms. Mrs. Head of studies:

I am writing this enclosing my resume and offering my availability as a worker, especially in the field of education.

In this regard I wish to emphasize that I am a graduate in English degree and I have profesional experience in the field of education, both as a teacher of English and as a teacher of Science in elementary school.

I should add that I own vocation as a teacher and appreciate the educational work. Also, I know the Spanish and british education system, both in structure and in its objectives and content.

I hope you consider my offer.


Modelo de carta de presentación de profesores en inglés.


Ejemplos de Cartas de presentación ejemplo para profesores


Les envío, adjunto, mi currículum con la finalidad de que lo tengan en cuenta en el momento que se produzca alguna vacante laboral en su centro docente.

Soy Licenciado en Geografía e Historia, he realizado diversos cursos relacionados con la actividad docente y actualmente estoy trabajando como profesor.


Carta de presentación ejemplo para profesores.


Cómo hacer una carta de presentación de enseñanza

Estimado Sr/Sra.

Me dirijo a usted con el fin de expresarle mi interés en ser considerado para el puesto de Maestro en Educación Primaria. Mis credenciales están resumidas en mi C.V., el cual estoy adjuntando para su mejor referencia.

Mi experiencia profesional y voluntaria en el campo de la Educación y Animación es diversa y variada. Aunque mi voluntad y deseo sería poder ampliarla. Como usted podrá observar en mi C.V., soy una persona activa, dinámica responsable, e inmerso en un proceso de formación en el campo de la Educación.

Estoy interesado en el puesto por mi experiencia y formación continua, y por ello, les envío un C.V. con el fin de poder participar en el proceso de selección.

Sin otro particular, agradezco su tiempo y consideración.

Muy atentamente,

Ejemplos de cartas de presentación de profesores.

Carta de presentación modelo para profesores

Estimados Señores/as,

Les escribo para enviarles mi Curriculum Vitae confiando lo tengan en cuenta en el caso de haber alguna oportunidad de trabajar en su centro docente a lo largo del próximo curso escolar.

Como pueden comprobar en mi C.V. tengo formación específica en temas relacionados con la enseñanza, por la que siento una gran vocación, así como experiencia docente con grupos, aparte de formación en trabajo de laboratorio, idiomas e informática.

Confiando consideren mi posible aportación a la labor que desempeñan en su centro, quedo a su disposición para responder cualquier duda que puedan plantear mis datos personales.

Carta de presentación modelo para profesores.